Although some school assignments are quite interesting, most of the time, homework is not something students want to do, just the usual tasks meant for them to reread their books or produce computations. In such situations, it can be quite difficult for students to focus on and finish their work.
If you have been having problems focusing on your homework, then read on to pick up some pointers on how to maintain focus.
Gadgets are probably the biggest distractors of all. With them around, students are tempted to read and reply to messages or play games when they are stumped on their homework. Before beginning any study session, it is wise to turn them all off. If you are expecting a message from someone, inform them it is your homework time and that they should contact you after you are finished.
Though there are times in a student’s life when it is good to be spontaneous, doing your homework is NOT one of those times. If you want to focus and finish quickly, it is best to organize how you do things. This includes scheduling when and how you will complete your household chores, when to eat, and what assignments to begin with: hardest to the easiest or favorite to least favorite.
Though multitasking is a valued trait at work, it will hurt you when doing your homework. This is one reason why it is good to have a routine (see above) as you can avoid cooking while answering math or watching TV while writing an essay (see above again).
Some students, however, even try to multitask by answering two or more subjects at the same time. Not only does this slow you down as your mind shifts from one topic to another, but it may also confuse you. So it is not a good idea.
After a long day at school, some students prefer to play first before doing their assignments. While it is good to take a quick snack break before tackling the first task, play of any kind will just distract you. But if you do your homework first and follow a strict routine, you will find that there is more than enough time for leisure activities afterward.
Sustaining any plan can be difficult if you do not feel any benefits. So after a week of strict adherence to your homework schedule, you should reward yourself on the weekend. The reward could be a movie, your favorite food, or hanging out with friends. Ensure, however, that you refrain from enjoying yourself when you do not stick to your schedule. In this way, you will begin to appreciate the benefits of focusing on homework before other things.
Maintaining focus on your homework will not be easy at first. But if you try the pointers above and stick to them for a few weeks, you will realize that focus becomes easier. Good luck!
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